Calling all attractions and visitor experiences professionals who would like to contribute to the growth of the African Association of Visitor Experiences and Attractions and the industry to apply to join the board for the years 2024/2025.
The Executive Board (“the Board”) is the governing body responsible for governance of AAVEA. It is composed of the officers of the Association (President, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer) and four to eight ordinary members, associate members and/or Partners (the majority of whom must be ordinary members). They are elected by the membership for a 2-year term with one additional term permissible by re-election. Terms begin and end at the end of the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The board meets minimum of once per quarter in person and/or virtual meeting.
Qualifying criteria
- Candidates must be members of AAVEA.
- Candidates will be considered for nomination based on their eligibility in terms of AAVEA’s requirements including diversity of skill and industry representation.
Existing board members
- Mpume Mabuza, Downtown Music Hub – President and Chairperson
- Sabine Lehmann, Curiositas – Immediate Past President
- Sibusiso Dlamini, City of Tshwane – Board Member
- Hulisani Thabela, City of Tshwane – Board Member
- Selma Hercules, Table Mountain Aerial Cableway Company – Board Member
How to apply
To stand for election to the Executive Board, please submit a 200-word motivation letter and headshots to no later than 4 January 2024. Motivation must make reference to the following:
- Information about your experience in the industry
- The visitor attraction or industry role-player you represent
- Why you want to serve on the board
- Contact information
We look forward to hearing from passionate and motivated attractions professionals. For more information, please contact our office at
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