Calling all attractions professionals! If you have attended one (or more) of the Attractions Africa conferences we would like to invite you to apply to join the 2018 Project Team.

The Attractions Africa Project Team is the group of people that drives programme content, communication strategy, and partnerships for the annual conference. The team meets monthly via tele-con to work on things related to the conference, as well as to look at how attractions are represented in the wider tourism industry.

Existing Project Team members are Sabine Lehmann (chair), Craig Allenby, Bronwen Cadle du Pont, Alichia Nortje, Tony Rubin, and Fazielah Williams. The various portfolios of Attractions Africa (programme, sponsorship, and marketing) are divided between them. They are supported by African Agenda, the professional conference organiser who acts as the Attractions Africa Secretariat. Most of the Project Team members have been on board since the first conference in 2014 and have helped drive Attractions Africa to its most exceptional conference yet in 2017.

If you have ideas for making the 2018 conference a momentous success and would also like to contribute to growing the attractions industry, please send a 200-word motivation to by Friday, 8 September. In your motivation, include information about your experience in the industry, the attraction you represent, which Attractions Africa conference(s) you have attended, and why you want to be part of the Project Team. Note that work will only begin in earnest in November 2017 as we work towards the next conference in mid-2018.

We look forward to hearing from you motivated attractions professionals.




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