#Attractions16 seasonal recruitment discussion: Top 5 take-outs

AAVEA Board Members and IAP Facilitators

By Fazielah Williams –

As the tourism industry gears up for what looks set to be a stellar summer season, seasonal recruitment is once again top of mind.


At the third annual Attractions Africa conference held in June 2016, we were treated to a lively discussion by Tasneem Rajie of Table Mountain Aerial Cableway, Bill Taylor of Ratanga Junction and Malcom Bone of Gold Reef City. Read the session summary.

Twitter was abuzz with key delegate take-outs from this discussion and these are just a few of them:


  1. Use your Attraction’s social media platforms to access candidates for seasonal recruitment.
  2. Partner with tourism education institutions for a learner-ship exchange.
  3. Training in-house staff in a range of skills and shifting them around in departments can alleviate seasonal recruitment stress.
  4. Business and service must remain consistent during season -get your staff to seamlessly buy into your business culture.
  5. Staff will buy into your business when their pay check has your business name on it so implement your brand from the get-go.

Has our seasonal recruitment discussion helped you implement changes at your Attraction? Tweet them to us @Attractions_Afr or post them to our Facebook wall – we’d love to hear from you!




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